Sorry folks...I have no workout to report. Yesterday was hectic and somehow I managed to miss a run. I'll spare you all of the boring details. I'll just tack on an extra this weekend.
Now many of my great blogging companions posed a challenge to me run the marathon. And somehow you must have known that my original question was phrased to ask that exact question...if that was possible. I've done some further research on marathon training plans. I think it is doable. BUT...I'm going to wait until I at least have one true race under my belt. Keep in mind, I've done plenty of running...but no actual racing so far. My goal still remains to complete the half marathon. But I don't want to pay $95.00 with the knowledge that I may finish the half thinking "what did I just do?" and dread the idea of a marathon. So...I'm going to wait it out at least until I finish the 5K and maybe a 10k. But I do think it's possible and halfway likely. I mean...Oprah completed a marathon. The only other problem I foresee is the fact that right now I've got quite a full plate. To add the time commitment of training for a full marathon may be a bit much. I'm currently working full time and have classes on the weekend for my Masters, plus volunteer hours at a local school and of course the time I'd like to spend with people. BUT the classes will go away for a portion of the summer. So I could potentially have some room there. But we'll see. I'll evaluate this more in depth as I complete races.
I must get to work...ciao.
Friday Funny 2423: Adulthood Funnies
1 day ago
Nice!! looks like you are going to go for the full marathon!!! I think it's a good idea to wait to have a race under your belt, although you probably already know how it will end, you enjoy running, and the hype from the race is only going to make you enjoy it even more so...
Now probably Chris is going to do a full this year too, I wish there was a full marathon near me by the end of the year!
Well, I am going to hold off and see what happens. Training for a marathon, especially for newby runners, is quite a commitment.
You will enjoy your first (and second and third and so on) race. The energy, the people, everything about is so much fun. 5K's are great because you run for 30 minutes or less and get to feel good about yourself all day long. It's like nothing else. I bet you could find a race around your area for this weekend or next. Do it!
Yes or no, Rachel. Do we man up or settle? What do you say?
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