Run Time: 30 min. w/ intervals. Max speed: 8.0 Eliptical Time: 30 min w/ intervals. Additional: 3-15 Abductors @ 90 lbs, 3-15 Adductors @ 80 lbs, 150 crunches (each side and center)
So yesterday I managed to get some good intervals in. I was pretty happy with my workout. Today my classes start for my Masters program. I'm debating on whether or not I can fit a workout in there. I get done with work at 4 pm but have to be at class at 6 pm and it's at least a half hour drive in traffic plus I still haven't gotten my books from the bookstore. As much as I really want to workout, I'm not sure that I'm going to be able to fit it in there. I'm thinking I may just have to do it tomm morning. Kind of a bummer really after I've had such a great week with my workouts.
I read some more on the side stitch issue yesterday as the belly breathing has proved to only be a temporary fix to my problem. I guess the extreme cases get a pain in their shoulder at the same time. And I just so happen to experience that sharp shoulder pain. They said that if I work my abs then it will strenghten my back and abs to make a harder "nest" for my organs. I don't usually do a ton of ab work, maybe once a week. So I figured I would at least try to pump that routine up a little bit and see if it helps. If that doesn't then I think I'm headed to the doc because I think I've maxed out my options here. I actually didn't have them yesterday but then again I was doing intervals and not running at the same pace. I also did my elipticals first so that might have helped.
Friday Funny 2423: Adulthood Funnies
1 day ago
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