Run Time: 1 hour?? Run Distance: 5ish miles??
So yesterday I discovered something new. I really need to be doing more runs outside. I hadn't really had a real run outside yet this season (the only one I attempted ended horribly with side stitches). I've had a few short runs with unknown distances that were probably shorter than I really intended, but nothing that was as long as I really wanted to run. Yesterday that changed. I ran around Como Lake in St.Paul and ended up rather drained. The lake is beautiful and a popular spot for people in the city to walk/run/walk their dogs at. Yesterday was a beautiful day so of course there were TONS of dog walkers and really slow walkers in general. I think it's great that these people are getting their move on...but as a runner it becomes quite a hazard to constantly be cut off and have to jump off course. Well, I think somehow I ended up putting a bit too much pressure on my foot during all of these off course road jumps. I started to get some nice side stitches at about 3.5 miles but I kept on running until probably somewhere around 4.5. Immediately when I stopped I realized that I had foot pain. Odd that I didn't feel it while running but I certainly did when walking. It was a big of a long walk back to the car with this foot thing going on. But it wasn't anything that I couldn't handle. Anyways, today I feel like I got hit by a truck. I'm thinking I definetly need to do some more outdoor training to try and get rid of this odd difference between treadmill and outdoor runs. That and I think I may have acquired allergies over the last 2 years? I had a pretty bad headache post run as well. But oh did feel amazing to be outside and running!! Oh and I think I may have gotten a blood blister? I've never had one...but I've got this mean looking red filled blister on my toe. Yuck.
Anyway, this whole run made me realize that I very well might not prepared to run a marathon in October. I'm going to give it a few more runs and try to determine what I should do. I've had a lot of people tell me that I really should run the marathon next year and at least get the half under my belt. A few fellow runners have also told me to avoid it because it does too much damage to your body. BUT again, if I'm already training for the half I might as well continue to train for the full. At least get it done once in a lifetime. In the meantime...registration is filling. Yikes.
Friday Funny 2423: Adulthood Funnies
1 day ago
I had a similar feeling this morning, Rachel. Even though I was on the TM, I had a crappy 5K run and said to myself "I can hardly make this 3 miles and I am going to train for a marathon???" I know how you feel.
I don't do enough running outside either, but I told myself that I will make sure that my Saturday long runs are done outside. I "kinda" stick to that. My long runs have kind of been compromised due to the races I have been doing, but as I pick up my distance, I will do them outside.
Half this year and marathon next. I like that plan. This time next year we will be posting stuff like "I just finished a quick 17 miles this morning."
Hi again, Rachel. Do you read Irish Cream's blog? She posted a 24 week training plan for marathon training. Check it out.
I enjoy running outside a lot more than running on a TM. Also, I've read that running on a TM is easier on your body, so you should try and run more outside to get used to it.
I've noticed that if I tie my shoes too tight I get foot pains, so I starting wearing them loose. Also, When I did this change (and bought running socks) all my blister problems disappeared, maybe this helps...
I wouldn't worry too much about your run being an indicator of whether you can or cannot run a full marathon. Keep in mind that by the time you get to the marathon, you will have been training at least four months.
Also, running outside is definitely harder than the treadmill, but it doesn't mean you aren't as fit as you thought you were--just think of all the various factors that are working against you: incline, wind resistance, dodging other walkers and runners (I feel the same way you do, it is great that people are out there but it can add another level of effort when you have to run around them), etc. I agree with Chris--a year from now, you will be running 17- and 18-milers like it's nothing!
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