Run Distance: 5.25 miles Run Time: 50 minutes Additional: 150 crunches, 3-15 abductors @ 80 lbs, 3-15 adductors @ 80 lbs
My new shoes proved to be one of the best purchases I've ever made. I had been running in a pair of lower end New Balance running shoes that I'd had for well over a year now. I didn't even realize that my my soreness could have been coming from the shoes I was wearing. I wasn't experiencing serious leg pain like most people seem to describe from overworn shoes. But taking a ride on my new shoes was like riding in a Cadillac. I seriously had to stop myself from doing too long of a run in the beginning of the week. My goal this week was to ease up to a longer run but yesterday it felt SO good to run in my new shoes that I just kept going. The only thing I could say is...it felt like running on air. Kind of ironic considering I believe that's along the same lines of Nike's slogan for their air shoes. But it really did. Now my next dilemma...my half marathon is in August. I'm thinking I may need to buy an additional pair in July just so that my marathon running shoes aren't too worn from training prior to the big run. But I definetly would want to break them in before the big day too. So we'll see when that time comes.
Today is supposed to be really nice. My aim is to get a short run in with some interval training and some rollerblading. I love to rollerblade but I've discovered that is much more frightening as a 23 year old than it was as a 14 year old going down hills. It tends to be a bit of a stress/calming combo of a ride.
Anybody thinking about investing in the new Nike+ wrist band that comes out this weekend? I think I may go check it out. I don't have a nano for their other system and I really would like some means of checking mileage. I still have some investigating to do to solve that problem but it's looking like I may enjoy the Nike+ system better than a bulky GPS system.
My new shoes proved to be one of the best purchases I've ever made. I had been running in a pair of lower end New Balance running shoes that I'd had for well over a year now. I didn't even realize that my my soreness could have been coming from the shoes I was wearing. I wasn't experiencing serious leg pain like most people seem to describe from overworn shoes. But taking a ride on my new shoes was like riding in a Cadillac. I seriously had to stop myself from doing too long of a run in the beginning of the week. My goal this week was to ease up to a longer run but yesterday it felt SO good to run in my new shoes that I just kept going. The only thing I could say is...it felt like running on air. Kind of ironic considering I believe that's along the same lines of Nike's slogan for their air shoes. But it really did. Now my next dilemma...my half marathon is in August. I'm thinking I may need to buy an additional pair in July just so that my marathon running shoes aren't too worn from training prior to the big run. But I definetly would want to break them in before the big day too. So we'll see when that time comes.
Today is supposed to be really nice. My aim is to get a short run in with some interval training and some rollerblading. I love to rollerblade but I've discovered that is much more frightening as a 23 year old than it was as a 14 year old going down hills. It tends to be a bit of a stress/calming combo of a ride.
Anybody thinking about investing in the new Nike+ wrist band that comes out this weekend? I think I may go check it out. I don't have a nano for their other system and I really would like some means of checking mileage. I still have some investigating to do to solve that problem but it's looking like I may enjoy the Nike+ system better than a bulky GPS system.
Next up will be $10 (or more) running socks. I tried for a while to tell myself that I did not need them. Now, after buying a few pair, I am a believer. I will not run without my fancy Nike running socks.
You could purchase another pair of shoes, break them in, and then set them aside for the half marathon. That would probably work.
Hell yes, I am buying the new Nike+ Sports Band. It comes out on the 18th, but I am not sure who will have it. I guess the sports stores in the mall, but I would not be surprised if it takes a few weeks to show up (I live in Oklahoma). That thing will be perfect for the races!
Nice run, by the way...
I've been thinking into buying the Nike+ system, i do have a nano so i guess i would buy the old nike+... But, (this is why i havent got one yet) I am also considering to upgrade my polar watch to one that has the same functions as the nike+ has plus all the goodies that my current polar has.
If you don't have a heat rate monitor, I'd suggest you check them out, it really helps to know your heart rate while training, and its cool to know other things like calories, avg HR and such... And polar HRM's have all these features plus all the mileage stuff from the nike+, and their software is really nice to keep track of all your trainings. Of course they are bit more expensive...
I also agree with chris, running sucks are great!!! and make a big difference, specially on big distances.
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