Friday Run Time: 30 minutes, Elipitcal time :3o minutes
Sorry folks...I can't recall exactly what my workout was like on Friday. And I actually didn't do any additional workout this weekend. I do know that the side stitches were there on Friday and thus the need for the eliptical. And yes I will schedule a doctor's appt. Work is kind of hectic this week but maybe later in the week...
It snowed this weekend. Yea...and not just a little sprinkle of snow either. Although I will say the majority of it did melt within a day. Around our area anyway, up north that's another story. But there was probably a good foot on the ground. Why am I telling you this? Not entirely sure why. Other than the fact that I really do hate cold weather in April!!!! Oh...and it's doing the flaky snow thing I type this. GRRR!
Anyways, today I'm hoping to get a good run in but these days that kind of depends on how well I can control the side pain. So I'll just wish for a good
That blog really was kind of pointless. Hope you all had a great weekend.
Friday Funny 2423: Adulthood Funnies
1 day ago
I think it's a wise decision to go see a doc. You've been having the pains for a while now and tried everything you could already...
Good luck with the weather and have a fun run today!
It is nuts that May is just around the corner and you are talking about snow! Let us know what the doctor says. Maybe he will tell you it is just gas. Bad joke.
I just can't fathom snow in April! Crazy stuff. I'm eager to hear what your doctor says. You've been complaining about the pain for way too long. I hope he/she can figure out the problem and fix you right up!
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