Friday I got my five miles in and I can't remember the time. This weekend was jam packed.
Friday night we went to my class reunion. I drank a bit too much or I just got tipsy really fast...which really helped with waking up the next morning to run the 5k right?? Not. I had a big migraine but I knew that once I started running I'd be okay.
The race was pretty low key. It is what "Karl Oscar Days" in my little Swedish hometown and packed with festivities. The start time was scheduled for 8 am but we really didn't take off until like 8:30 or so but it was all okay. After much pleading, my dad decided to run it with me but really ended up walking most of it. I was proud that he actually did it though. I charged ahead and couldn't even believe the time they shouted at me during the 1st mile. I completed my first mile at race time of 8:13. My second mile was completed after 16:30. Then I finished in 26:10. I was so excited!! I probably could have finished even quicker had I not had a small side stitch after Mile 1 with a need to slow down. I still managed to pass all of my neighbors who are all runners. I was shocked when I passed them actually because I figured they'd be way up there. But anyway, I was happy with my finish. I also got to test out those chips for my next race because I hadn't ran a race with chips yet.
Anyways, here are some photos. I'd elaborate more on my incredibly busy weekend but I just don't have a lot of time.

I'm the one with the pasty white legs and blue skirt.
NICE JOB!! It was probably the beer. And the pastiness. My pastiness makes me speedy....
Congrats, Rachel!! Way to rock that 5K! I can hardly move if I am even the slightest bit hungover, so I am that much more impressed with your performance!! :)
Wow, kickass time! Great job!
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