Friday Run: 4.25 miles, 40 minutes
Sunday Run: 5 miles, 50 minutes
So my Friday run went really well. It was a treadmill run again because it is unfortunately all I could fit into my schedule. This time I was actually able to pick up pace on the TM. Hit "7.0" for a good amount of that run which of course I didn't look at what pace that was equilavent to and it's impossible to figure out with the warm up and everything. But it was faster than a normal treadmill run I know that.
Sunday, I was at my parents house. I was scheduled for a tempo run but it was more of a hill run than a tempo run. My mom told me about this great 5 mile route that she used to walk so I set out to run it. Well, she hasn't walked this in quite some time and couldn't remember all the hills. So yea...hill training #2. I may have to move that tempo run to another day because it appears that I am always somewhere that has tons of hills when I go to run it. Hills make it pretty tough to get any kind of decent speed in.
On a side note, ended up burnt this weekend. I was taking full advantage of my parents water hose and wet/dry vac and cleaning my car. Ended up with a very crisp red back. And of course I was still wearing my running top from that morning so I have funny lines (the bra top running tops that have a sort of sports bra lineage when burnt). That and I guess my old Spanish teacher now lives behind my parents. After I got out of the shower, my mom was like "Rachel come meet the neighbors, its your spanish teacher from high school." So that was cool.
Hope all of you had a fantastic weekend!
February in Review
16 hours ago
As far as the hill run/tempo run goes, just remember that even if you are running hills instead of a tempo run, you are still getting faster in the long run (even if you may be running slower up those hills). Hill training is extremely good for your speed!
No tempo is no big deal. Especially with all the hills you ran. It sounds like you had a couple of real kick a runs. Good job.
Oh, maybe you should run some hills this week! ;-)
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