First of all, I'm sick. Again. I thought I was escaping this season without a cold. But I was very very wrong.
I blame it on the kid who's office is right next to mine. He was hacking up a lung last week.
I had a fever on Monday and stayed in bed all day. Tuesday wasn't much better. I woke up determined to go to work and then almost fainted in shower...spent the rest of the day in bed.
This morning I got up and got to work only to wish I really hadn't. I had a coworker actually scream and yell at me. Almost burst into tears. Then I guess there were tables delivered that I wasn't ready for I had to help move out the old tables. This didn't make me feel all that great.
On top of it is snowing. Yes, snowing in April.
I have not run since the weekend. I got some nice intervals done though right before the bug knocked me out. I don't plan on running today. I can only hope I'll be running tomm.
I rest my case.
February in Review
15 hours ago
Feel better soon! Also, be sure to give yourself a break. I know it sucks when you can't run even though you want to, but make sure you get enough rest (and damn those pesky coworkers!)
I hope things get better soon :)
Sorry, Rachel!
As my dad used to say when he'd wake me up for school:
"rise and shine! today is the tomorrow you were waiting for yesterday!"
get it?
Get well soon!
Wow, I hope today is going better for you. At least the sun is out and all the snow is gone...
Oh no! I hope you fight the bug off and feel better soon!
Why is it that the days you least feel like functioning are always the ones that throw you some serious curveballs at work? I'm sorry!
Take care of yourself, girl!! :)
Hope you're feeling better! I just did my own Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day post, not remembering that you used this title just last week!
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