Friday Run Distance: 5 miles Friday Run Time 41 minutes
Saturday Run Distance: 3 miles Saturday Run Time: 25 minutes
Sunday Run Distance: Unknown (3 miles??) Sunday Run Time: 30 minutes?
The good news: Friday's run was amazing. I was scheduled for a tempo run and somehow I ended up running at a pace of 8:15 for 3 miles. (Mile 1 and 2 were supposed to be warm up/cool down but somehow I still ended up running at a decent pace for those too). But anyway, I was very happy about the 8:15 min/mile.
Saturday's run was great as well. Woke up early so that I could get a 3 mile run in before the busy day.
Now Sunday...I was supposed to get an 8 mile run in. It was kind of gloomy and stormy all day and so when it finally got a bit sunny out...I decided to head out. Well prior to my leaving, I saw "severe weather" alerts on the tv. I shrugged it off because so often those alerts don't really mean severe weather in your area. I took off running and noticed some really nasty looking clouds in the distance and some lightening. I was at Andy's house and I haven't ran over there yet so it was a challenge in itself just to make sure that I remembered my journey so I could easily return. Luckily, Andy had suggested I take my phone. I actually ended up needing it anyway because I had forgotten my Nike + receiver after charging it and thus couldn't figure out mileage. Anyhow...I'm headed out and as I saw the clouds I kept battling with "Should I go back, it is lightening," to "but Alien says that it's nice to run in the rain". And so I was waiting for the sprinkle drops, not really thinking about a major storm. But I kept on running for a good 20 mintues. But then, eventually the sky started to look really scary and I heard sirens going off in the town over. So I headed back. I texted Andy to let him know that I was headed back so that he could come find me if I didn't return within a reasonable timeframe. Just as I turn the corner onto Andy's street...it pours. And I mean...not just a sprinkle. The street was flooding beneath my feet and my running shoes were soaked. Then the hail started in...Yes...hail...pelting my back! Andy called me and all he could hear was "ahhhhh!" So finally I made it Andy's house...soaked and looking like a wet dog. About 10-15 minutes later baseball sized hail was falling. I'm quite lucky I wasn't stuck in THAT. I'm pretty sure I would have been knocked out and on the side of the road somewhere.
Lesson Learned: Do not run when the skys are turning dark.
Oh and on a side note...there was a tornado that touched down a few towns over. (And if you've see the national coverage...one that touched down about 20 miles away that devestated the town of Hugo.
Needless to say...I didn't get my 8 mile run in. But I'm sure to get it in this week because I've rearranged my schedule to have my long runs on Wednesdays to avoid the hassle of fitting it into a busy Sunday.
Hey I just found your blog through another running blog...nice to meet you. I am in MN too...I can't believe you were out running in that crazy weather on Sunday! Although you never know around here, all we got at my place was a couple blasts of wind, not even any rain.
Hey! I like running in the rain... but not in pouring rain with lighting and tornados!!!! thats a bit too... well, at least it seems that you had a good adventure :p
On a side note, a runner around here got hit by a lightning this week, be careful with those!!
At least you got a couple of real good runs in before the bad weather came for a visit. Oh, and I am jealous of your tempo run...that is fast!
And I am glad you did not get pelted by the baseball's; that might have messed up your half-marathon training plans!
Wowza, good timing missing that baseball sized hail!
I love the rain but am not sure I could handle soggy shoes/socks/feet.
Even though you didn't do your 8 miler you had a very productive running weekend! Great job!
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