I'm in a great deal of pain. And to think...in the beginning of my training, I actually believed all those "Runner-hyped" articles that denied the fact that runners are prone to knee problems. I think it is one of those things that runners are stamped with so often that they really do try to hide it at all costs. But honestly...it hurts...so bad. I never had knee pain until I started picking up the mileage in my running. Never before I ran. Never until I hit the 12 mile range. And now...I'm quite frustrated. My physical therapist doesn't seem too concerned yet this was supposed to be our last week. And I'm in the worst pain yet. Let me explain how I got to this point...
Yesterday Amanda (roommate) and I decided to head out at 7pm for a 12 miler. In the rain. Well, it was more like misting...but definetly wet...and cold. My knee wasn't responding too well to this cold weather. I was feeling it almost immediately but decided to run through the pain. Well, the pain only got worse and I had to make Amanda stop a few times. It sucked.
I did get a 5 miler in earlier this week too--one that was supposed to be an 8 miler and had to be cut short due to pain. And even yet earlier in the week-- I ran a 5 miler with no pain.
Anyways, my options do not include "not running this marathon". I will be walking it if I have to but I will be there. I'm just hoping a miracle happens between now and then so I don't have to walk it.
Fastest Treadmill Long Run EVER!
18 hours ago
I'm sorry you're having such a hard time with your knee. I know it must be incredibly frustrating to be going through this and I know that if I were in your position, I would probably be feeling the same way and doing the same things you are doing. Just keep in mind, though, that there are so many more marathons in the world and you are not doing yourself any injustice if you decide not to run this one--you are, in fact, doing what your body might be asking you to do.
I had a hip problem about 2 years ago and I know how frustrating it is. Hang in there. Emily is right, you can do another marathon. If you do it in pain you are only going to ruin the entire experience for yourself. Keep going back to the physical therapist and if they aren't helping, I think you should try another one. Different docs have different opinions of what's wrong. Keep icing! And I'm not sure if you should be running through the pain right now, you are probably just extending the time you will need to heal by doing that. Good luck!
I have to agree with both Em and Alissa on this one, Rachel. You have been running through the pain for weeks and that obviously isn't working out too well. Take a break, let it heal. Find a different doc if you have to. PT's are not miracle workers and perhaps it is time to be reevaluated. I completely understand where you are coming from; i had to scrap all plans for a marathon or even a half marathon this fall due to my knee. But there is always the spring.
I hope you are feeling better soon.
I have to agree here…the important thing is to get yourself healed. There will be other marathons. You could always do Grandma's next year, or if you don't mind waiting until fall - run TCM 2009 with me! You will have a better marathon experience if you (and your body) are ready for it.
I am so sorry that are still having knee problems. And of course, I agree with the other posts before me, there will be other marathons, and it's better to take care of your knee so it doesn't get worse (it can).
However, looking at how decided you are to running the marathon (I would be too), and you've never stopped because of pain until now. Something tells me that you're not going to start now... Be careful, you still have 1 month to the marathon. So take care of your knee, try another doc if you think it's needed, and try to heal before the big day, even if you miss a couple of training runs.
Good luck and get well!
REST! take a bit of time off! don't worry, you're not going to lose nearly as much endurance as your mind would like you to think. and no matter what, deciding to run for a cause bigger than yourself is the part that's inspiring--not the pace or time of completion. hang in there!
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