Yesterday's workout went well. I ran 3 miles on the treadmill and then hopped on the eliptical for an additional 20 minutes. I would have been on the eliptical longer but an old stinky guy kept tooting next to me and I couldn't handle the smell any longer.
I've been thinking a lot about my New Years Goal of running the Twin Cities Marathon this summer. I'm starting to think I should maybe revise that goal for the sake of sanity. I really want to finish my Masters degree as soon as possible. The only way to do that is to double up on classes while still keeping my full time job. Well, if I decide to continue to run TCM, I could find myself with no sleeping time when I need to run 18 miles.
That and I'm kind of wishing I could just run a bunch of 5ks and 10Ks and maybe a half marathon here and there this summer. I think that would really be the best to help heal this tendonitis in my knee.
However, registration for the Twin Cities Marathon isn't until April. I have some time to think about this. I have realized that if I don't sign up for it, I might really regret it as well. I get this wierd jealousy when I see other people training for the marathon I want to run. Kansas City was a good marathon to run, but I was still bummed that I had missed out on the Twin Cities. But I could always run it next year when classes start to sizzle out a little more. I don't know. Two months to decide.
February in Review
16 hours ago
I completely identify with that jealousy. My friends are all training for a bunch of the Rock 'n' Roll Marathons this year, but I'm not registered for those and I'm not even sure yet if I can do any of those races. It's been frustrating. It seems like I need that whole "Run Your Own Race" reminder over and over! :-)
Let me tell you, training for a marathon while super busy is not exactly the most pleasant thing ever. I trained for my first while working around 75-80 stressful hours a week, and I ended up having a really bad race experience. I say there's nothing wrong with sticking with shorter races until you really have the time to put into training for another marathon.
And I can TOTALLY sympathize with the jealousy factor. My boyfriend is running a marathon I was also supposed to run this weekend. I feel like if you can find another way to be connected (either volunteering for the race or being a support person for another runner), it helps ease the jealousy factor a little bit.
I can also relate to the jealousy! Deciding not to run the National Marathon was a really difficult decision, but I'm glad I chose not to. For the most part, I don't regret it at all--I know that if I were training right now I would be stressed out, even more tired than I am, and beating myself up for not doing what I would like to be doing. I like the freedom of knowing that I can miss a run or two and not have it potentially screw anything up (or make me wonder if things would have been different if I hadn't missed X or Y run) as well as the freedom to choose shorter races. It is also fun to just run for however long I want.
But every now and then I think about all the people who will be running this marathon, and it kills me. I think about the fact that during the packet pick-up, my number, packet, and shirt will all sit there unclaimed. Those things make me so upset that I can't even think about them too long.
I, too, completely understand your jealously. I was sooo jealous last year as I was reading how everyone was training for a marathon when all I got to do was a half!! Maybe that's why I signed up for SF's marathon 7 months before the actual race?? yep, that would be why! But if you don't run it this year, well, there's always next year. Finishing your masters is a big deal, and if you have to delay your marathon because of that, well... sometimes life gets in the way and all we can do is adapt and keep going.
I am so happy to read that you are running again with what seems like a healed knee!!
Getting your Masters is a huge deal, and once you are done it will be one huge thing out of the way (trust me). Plus, it sounds like your knee is still in need of some rest.
The marathon will still be there in 2010...for this year, you could always try the 10 miler lottery.
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