I don't know what it is about last weekend but the pain seems to keep carrying through...
After the race my legs were pretty sore on Saturday. Sunday I helped my parents tear down a shed.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday my legs felt as stiff as a board. I realize I forgot to stretch after the race (which is somewhat unusual for me) but I wasn't expecting this kind of soreness to last for so long!!
Finally last night I did intervals on the treadmill and the soreness in my legs seemed to have finally gone away. Only to realize I had a new sort of soreness. In my arms! I thought I would start adding some Wii Fit on top of my regular training on Wednesday night and I've been paying for it ever since. My arms feel like they can barely stretch out straight.
I was thinking about investing in a Stick or a roller. I don't know how well that might help with these sorts of issues because I've never had stiffness or soreness impede future workouts. Whenever I get sore, it never seems to slow me down too much but this week the legs would barely move!
Friday Funny 2423: Adulthood Funnies
1 day ago