Saturday I had an awesome 5 mile run on the treadmill at the gym (it was cold here!).
Sunday I had a not so great 10 miler outside. I needed to do my 10 miler in the morning so that I could make the trek out to see my mom for mother's day. It was 40 degrees outside when I woke up at 8 am and I wasn't looking forward to braving the cold. I put on a sweatshirt and some athletic pants, attached my Ipod and headed out the door. I neglected to bring water because I didn't think I'd get my fuel belt on over my sweatshirt. That and there is a water fountain on my route that HAD been working a month ago (when we were in the 70's...more on this later).
After the first mile, I could tell this was not going to be a great run. My mind was all there. I was pumped for this run. My body wasn't quite feeling it. I felt completely drained of energy. I had eaten a FiberOne bar before I left...this wasn't anything out of the ordinary for a long run. I didn't quite understand what was going on but I thought it would maybe wear off. I kept running...and actually telling myself to keep running.
Right around mile 3.5 there is a water fountain at the nearby high school. This happened to be a water fountain with no water. Evidently they shut it off because of the cold temps we have had this week. Not good. I had brought a gel along but clearly couldn't take that because I had no water. I continued on my way. Around mile 4-5 I got a little bit of energy on a downhill. I started to really feel great. But that was short lived.
A little bit past my turn around point at mile 5, I started to feel like my energy was slipping away again. My whole body felt like I'd been hit with a 2 x 4 and my legs were barely trudging along. I was getting so frustrated. I kept telling myself just to keep running.
The last 2 miles were brutal. My body was dragging and I found myself walking when I really didn't want to. It was a run/walk situation for the last 2 miles.
When I finally made it back home, I felt like a truck had literally hit me. I heated up a bagel hoping that would get rid of the feeling. I found myself not even wanting to eat anything because I was so exhausted. I ate the bagel, drank lots of water, and then rested for 20 minutes or so before heading out to see my mom. The whole rest of the day I felt like I'd been drained of energy.
This seems to be a common theme lately and I'm not sure why. Normally I can bounce back from a long run pretty easily and I don't usually completely wear out of energy that quickly! So frustrating. I was thinking about heading to a dietician to see if maybe there is something I could/should be eating/not eating to help this. I haven't really changed much in my diet from previous years so I don't know exactly what is going on. Perhaps it just stress and it will go away.
I have a 1 mile race schedule for Thursday evening. The shortest distance I've ever raced! It should be interesting...
Fastest Treadmill Long Run EVER!
18 hours ago
Hi Rach,
Nice job on that run:) I am also registered for the Medtronic 1 mile on Thursday. I really hope that I can make it there on time. I work and then I have to pick up my four year old from daycare. My daughter also has track and it all rides on if my hubby can get home on time:) Keep your fingers crossed for me.
I think that you should consider about registering for the Twin Cities Marathon in October:) I almost did this afternoon...once I push submit there is no turning back:) Think about it!
Thanks Julie! Hopefully you make it to the 1 mile as well! I actually would love to run the Twin Cities Marathon but I don't have time for training for the full this year, thus the reason I am trying to up my chances for running the 10 mile. I did run it last year and it was a blast!
Sounds like you need a little breather Rachel. Nonetheless, I'm sure you did well in the run. By the way, how did it go last night?
Interval Training Man
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