Yesterday's Run: 3 miles Bike: 2 miles. Crunches: 150
Blah. Yesterday's run was a bummer. I had to walk during a few stetches because I had a little bit of side stitches. I was so excited going into the gym. I really wanted a 6 miler. We'll see what happens tonight.
I've been attempting to try to set some races up for this spring and summer. I want to get a good amount of running in before training for the marathon so that I can make sure my knees are ready. This way I know if I should spend the $95 to run it or not! Although registration begins on the 17th of April so I'm guessing I'll end up spending it anyhow.
I am currently contemplating doing the Stillwater 12K. It is a newer race but the same city that I completed my half marathon in last year. I would really like to do the half marathon but I don't think I have enough time to train for it as it is only 9 weeks away. I could easily pick up in a training schedule right now but I think that my body isn't quite ready to start training for a half.
I've also been looking at doing these races:
Running of the Pigs 5k April 19 (You get a Saints game ticket with this one!)
Get in Gear 10K April 25 (Only problem with this one is I remember the horrendous weather these runners had to deal with last year!)
St. Michael River Run August 16: This one takes place in Andy's territory and it sounds like fun little race.
I will for sure be doing the Lindstrom Loppet in July again this year. Andy and my dad are both supposed to run it alongside me.
Anyways, if you have any experience with the above races, give me your input! These are still temporary in case I find races I like better during the same weeks.
NOTE: Also now contemplating adding in some biking and completing the Minneapolis Duathlon. Only problems with that it is midway through my marathon training and I will probably already have some long runs scheduled then. Also, my bike is a mountain bike and I haven't really been on it all that much. Thinking I will need to invest in a new bike so I don't look quite so much like a duck on the course. I'll have to think long and hard about this event.
February in Review
16 hours ago
I have no experiences with any of those races, but I think it's a great idea to get some races on the schedule! I know it always gets me SO much more excited about running.
And seriously, side stitches are the WORST! Hang in there . . . I'm sure the runs will get easier soon!!
I did the Get in Gear 10K last year, and yes it was THE WORST! Sleet cutting into your face, gusty cold winds on the way back. Nice course though. And I figure, hey, can't be that bad EVERY year......can it? If I was gauranteed decent weather, I would do it again.
Nope, I haven't run any of those races. But I was looking at the Running with the just won't fit with my schedule.
Isn't it fun planning out the racing season? It is easy to get carried away though!
The duathlon sounds like fun, and biking is a great way to do cross-training while training for the marathon. It's a great cardio workout, you use your legs (although you focus on different muscles than when running), but your knees don't suffer.
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