Vacation was...okay. It was SO nice to sleep in a little, to not have to go to work. But it rained and rained and rained in the Ozarks. I'll show you some pics of us squeezing in some activities in between the rains. But how about the running eh?
Well first I should tell you about how I ran the morning we left for the Ozarks. I decided to fit in my last 4 miler for that week in at 5 am before we left. I now know that I am NOT a 5 am runner. I don't know how 5 AM runners do it. First, it was pitch dark outside when I left. I could barely see the road beneath my feet. That is enough to give me the creeps. Second, I couldn't see the bugs flying into my mouth. Yuck. Third, I was terrified someone was going to jump out of the following items: 1) cornfields, 2) scary looking van parked on side of road, 3) woods. Oh and it was hot and humid. Anyways, I was terrified through most of the run and decided that would be my first and only 5 am solo run.
After my run, we hopped into the car and headed down to the land of many hills. I wanted to take a picture of the hills that I was running up and down just to show you the pain I endured, but I never took a camera with me on a run. Anyways, if you've ever driven through the Ozarks, it is like riding on a roller coaster. You know, the whole belly flop feeling as you go up and down hills? Yea, I was running those monsters. I will say that I shaved about a mile off of the 8 miler and did that on a treadmill. That and I never got my long run in...I'm hoping to maybe fit it in today. Although I have an 18 miler later this week so I may decide to save energy for that one. Anyways, all that hill training really did a number on my calves. Every time I go to run they seem to seize up with a bad crampy feeling. I've done so much stretching to try to relieve the pain it is crazy. It actually takes 2 miles or so for the pain to go away. Oh well...as soon as I get a few more flat-moderate hill land runs in my legs should be back to normal. The good news--the weather was super nice outside later in the week so my hilly runs weren't unbearable. I think I was more afraid for my saftey of running on narrow windy, hilly roads as cars come flying down. Other good news--the doc cleared my lungs before we left and said it was probably the heat and lack of electrolytes that caused the funny chest pain.
Anyways, here are a few pics from our trip...enjoy!!

Castle Ruins
1 comment:
Oh my gosh, I am SO terrified of running by myself when it's dark out . . . I would have been picturing the same items jumping out at me all run long! Glad you had a good time on vacation despite all the hills and rain! Super cute pics! :)
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