Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Quick Update

Sorry folks that I haven't updated in forever. Hopefully I still have some followers that aren't spammers.  Student teaching has been a little more than I bargained for.  I've been up late every night working on lesson plans and grading and then wake up at 5 every morning.  As you can see, I have had no time for running.  However, I have run two races since I last blogged.  I ran the Twin Cities 10 mile earlier this month and then the Kansas City Half Marathon last weekend.  Both went well considering the fact that I had absolutely no training under my belt.  At least I now know that I can run a half marathon w/o any sort of training.  LOL.  My time was pretty bad-- 2 hrs 30 min or 2 hrs 40 min.  One or the other.  I didn't bother to check.  Anyways, I've barely remembered to put a shirt on in the morning so you can imagine that I didn't remember to bring a camera to either of these races either.  So just pretend that I've posted a not so flattering running picture here.  Both races were beautiful.  KC ran out of medals at the end.  I was pretty upset but loved the race itself so I couldn't hold too many grudges.

Anyways, we have a 4 day weekend so I'll have lots of time to get stuff done.  My student teaching isn't up until December so don't expect a lot of updates until then.  Hope you all are doing great!

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