I had yesterday off (woohoo!) and headed to the gym in the morning. Evidently everyone else got the same great idea and the gym was again packed. I didn't know so many people got MLK day off! Anyways, I managed to get on my favorite treadmill and hammered out 3 miles. I was actually feeling great and wanted to run further but the gym was crowded and I didn't want to get yelled at for being on the treadmill longer than the allowed time. I put in another 15 minutes on the eliptical but again had foot pad pain and decided to jump off. Finished up my hour at home on the Wii Fit.
I am backtracking a bit here...but the day before this wonderful run...we went snowboarding. This was my first trip snowboarding and I'm not entirely sure I can actually claim that I snowboarded since I spent most of my time on my bum. We didn't take any lessons, just had a friend kind of show us what to do before we plunged down the hill. It didn't fair to well with me because I spent most of the time falling and then contemplating getting back up. The runs were packed that day and I spent most of the time waiting for the perfect opportunity to go so that I wouldn't take out a small child while trying to get down the hill (since I still do not have a clue how you stop other than fall down). Anyways, my butt is still pretty sore (didn't help that I slipped on our front step this morning either). Strangely, my arms are sore too--Andy says from catching my fall so many times. I think I'll stick to running.
Friday Funny 2423: Adulthood Funnies
1 day ago