Running is probably one of the only things that I can give myself credit for lately. Usually I leave these sort of conversations for my "Ramblings of Rachel" blog but honestly that blog is dead and I need to do some venting.
I should just say that I've been exercising regurarly. Not neccesarily running. Although, I do try to at least get a mile in during every workout. I did start some strength training that really seems to help my running along as well. I've been trying out new classes (zumba, dancing, cycling) and new machines in the gym. I love my gym time.
I don't love the rest of my day. I finished student teaching in December and went back to my old job at the library. Honestly, it is just a bad fit. I want to be teaching. I want to be doing something other than spending 2 hours of my day driving to and from work and $3.75 in parking. I want to be doing something where people aren't calling me to tell me that "this" or "that" isn't working or that "so and so" is doing something that they don't like and can I deal with it? I wake up every morning and wish I could just not go to work.
Then sometimes I feel like I'm constantly waiting. I don't want to talk specifics here because you all might think I'm silly. But leaving a large part of your future in someone else's hands probably lends itself to the silliness.
Anyways, so running is really my outlet right now. I've planned a few trips surrounded around running and visiting my little brother who is in the Army. I will be headed out to Seattle in June to run the Rock N Roll Seattle half marathon and that should be a good time.
Friday Funny 2423: Adulthood Funnies
1 day ago