This weekend I went "home" to visit my parents in Lindstrom and attend the annual Karl Oscar Days events. Saturday morning, I ran the Lindstrom Loppet. I've been trying to catch up to my PR for this race for years but have yet to do so. I still didn't catch it this year, but had a great time running.
This year, nobody was running with me. Usually at least my dad runs with me. But he said he was out of shape. Andy had wanted to run this race with me but he had class so he couldn't come. Dad dropped me off at the registration area early and then went home as the race runs right by the front of my parent's house.
I registered and then looked around for people I knew. My old boss found me in the crowd and we chatted for a bit. Then, I left her to go line up--realizing that I didn't have any place to put the Tshirt that they gave me at regisration. I had to hold on to it until I got to my parent's house just a little past the 1 mile mark.
It was a bit drizzly for this race which was kind of nice because I didn't have to deal with the heat that hit us later that day. I started out the race pretty good--finishing my first mile in 8:45. There are a few big hills near the halfway point in this race that I charged up as I'm quite used to hills along my regular training route.
As I came around to 2nd mile, I could feel my time slipping a little. I was starting to get a bit tired but pushed through it. I came through the finish in 28:47. This was 83 out of 347 females and 23rd out of 50 people in my age division. A bit slower than last year's loppet but faster than my previous 5k for this year which was the Run of the Mills. It appears that I just keep getting slower and slower. I need to figure out someway to reverse this pattern!

I promise that is mostly rain glistening my skin--although I was pretty sweaty and stinky!
Also ran a 10 miler on Sunday--it went pretty good. 85 degrees at the start of the run but the clouds came out and I started to feel great!