Let me introduce you to...my new kicks. Nothing really suprising here. They are the new Max Moto +7. I actually liked my old Max Motos and they were starting to really wear down so it was time to invest in some new ones. I had a hard time tracking them down after going to a few stores that were sold out of my size--but finally hunted them down at Sports Authority. I usually buy my shoes from local running stores but they had them on sale and actually had my size!
This weekend's runs went pretty well. I had a 3 miler on Friday and Saturday and then a 5 miler on Sunday. My knee is starting to bug me a bit when I'm not running (the one that I hit when I took the tumble up the stairs). It is a pain I haven't really felt before--more on the interior right side of my knee. I'm hoping it just goes away because it doesn't seem to bug me too much when I'm running--just when I'm walking or getting up and down.
This week is going to be a bit of a challenge with fitting my runs in as I have night class 3 days this week. Tonight it supposed to be a "strength and stretch" night but I was thinking about doing tomm's 3 miler tonight so I don't have to worry about it tomm when I have class. On the other hand, I really want to allow some time for this knee to recoup from the 3 runs this weekend so I don't know what I'm going to do. I may just need to try to squeeze me 3 miler in on my lunch break tomm....
Congrats on the new kicks! I really need to get myself to the running store and get some new shoes myself. I need something that will help with this stupid PF that has hit me.
I am the same way with that as you are with your knee though...it doesn't really hurt when I am running, just when I try to walk afterward - I guess we just need to start running everywhere instead of walking and all will be good!
Found you through Jill :) And I am Jill too :)
I love getting new sneaks! I tend to stick my first loves...always getting Brooks Adrenalines!
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